Graphology is the study of a person's character through the medium of handwriting. The study of handwriting is based on a general style of writing, letter formation, the space between words and lines, etc. By looking at these aspects of handwriting, it is possible to get an idea of a person's personality, attitude, mental make-up and talents.
We develop our handwriting right when we are children and our handwriting changes as we grow – both mentally and physically. When we write, the pen is under the control of the muscles of your fingers, hands and arm. All these body parts are under the control of your mind. The manner in which the words are eventually formed by the pen must bear a direct relationship to the mind that guides their formation. Each vibration of movement is unconsciously directed by the brain, so we can judge the mental state of the writer. It is a guide to the will power, intellect and emotions of a person.
For an accurate analysis, written text should have been written in a natural manner and the effort should not be deliberate. The best samples are business letters or notes.
Graphologists study…
- Size of the letters and their formation
- Style of writing based on lines
- Spacing of lines and words
- Slant of writing
It's also important to know the age and educational standards of the writer. Obviously an old man's hand will be shaky when you compare his writing to a relatively younger person. The interpretation of the writing or the written script is common for both men and women.
What can Graphology be used for?
As well as the 'traditional' areas of personality assessment for commerce and industry, handwriting analysis may also be used in any area of human activity, or where people interact.
- Vocational guidance
- Child and family guidance
- Graphotherapy or, therapy through handwriting
In addition to the above, the application of Graphology in such areas as management selection and career guidance is becoming more widely accepted.
To get your graphologically designed signature, go to