Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Clarification !

Dear User,
If you have encountered following message instead of an email with activation link as expected, I would like to clarify few things.

"Thank You for Registration. Your data has been saved successfully! We are really sorry to inform you that due to some thousand hits, we are left with many pending requests to serve. We value your time taken for registration, however your account will not be activated right now. A notification will be sent to you via mail once your request will be ready to serve. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. For more clarification of the issue please visit Sign in Style BLOG"

This service was covered in CNBC Awaaz news channel on 30th April and after that it has become famous overnight. We have received nearly 4000 requests after that day. Due to this sudden burst we are left with many pending requests at this moment. And most of the users are unhappy due to delay in sending their signatures.

So we don't want to disappoint any new users from now on. That is why we have temporarily stopped taking any new request until we are not done with all of the current ones.

If you have registered, be assured of your data. We have saved your data at this moment but we have not activated your account. This means your request will not be processed at this moment.

We will send you an email once we are ready to go ahead with your name. Meanwhile please support this free service.

Yours Sincerely,


Spideyy said...

Hey!!! Abhishek congrates for ur First Comment. Well It'z Razat Guptaa, I have registered your site "" It's Mind Boggling Idea & All the best for ur work. Well m still not activated on ur site same problem occured with me the excessness of requests, that'z all right I can understand ur problem. Don't get nervous just coz' excessness of work, it's a great news for u & ur "", Just Do ur work properly with ur possetive attitude finally U will always find Victory & Best of Luck. Ba-Bye.................

Your Wellwisher,
Razat Guptaa

Abhishek said...

Thanks Razat for all the encouragement...we are trying our best...and once again I have the same thing to say...just wait for a while!!